This BLOG deals with current US immigration issues:

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mexican Refugees Into The US & Anti-Mexican Violence!

March 14-2009:

Mexican Refugees Into The US & Anti Mexican Violence!

Recently, we saw on television how South Africans living along the border regions with Zimbabwe, had some very severe altercations with the Zimbabweans, and other neighbors who fled into South Africa to seek refuge from violence and death.

Thousands of Zimbabweans were killed, beaten, severely and bodily wounded, by very angry South Africans who claimed that they (the foreigners), were taking away their jobs, causing South Africans to loose those same jobs to foreigners, who were prepared to work for less.

After some weeks of violence and death had elapsed, the South African government then sent in the military to quell the violence, and create a climate of calm. But the resentment for foreigners are still rife.

Mexican Refugees:

With the ongoing Drug Cartel Wars among themselves, innocent civilians are being coerced, threatened, killed, and homes burnt on a daily basis, in the thousands. Thus creating a regional crisis, especially in Tijuana, the hot spot of this violence for territorial control.

This ongoing war has caused thousands of Mexican civilians and military personnel to seek asylum here in the USA. If this crisis continues, we will indeed have a situation here like in Palestine and Israel, The Sudan and Darfur, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

And the general feeling among many Americans polled currently, is totally against any asylum for Mexicans.

Derryck S. Griffith.


Sunday, March 01, 2009

What About Us President Obama?

March 01-2009:

What About Us President Obama?

President Obama, I have watched, listened, and heard you say that financial assistance will be given via The Rescue Plan/Package to ordinary Americans and hard working people. Many of whom have lost their jobs, homes, and are unable to pay their college tuitions, mortgages, and other daily houshold espenses.

But yet, millions of Americans and other 'would be' American citizens, who are receiving Public Assistance locally, have not received any Federal Assistance from the outset from the First Rescue Package that was passed under George W. Bush, nor do I see any coming to us P.R.U.C.O.L.,or (un-documented) residents this time around.

We are here, have been here for years awaiting Federal Legal Residence Status approval, still have to eat, pay our bills (somehow), and are the ones who have no way to turn for any help or financial assistance in this crisis.

I can also envisage that with this crisis, no Immigration Legislation that would cater to our needs and status is afoot, or may never even be considered either. Even though thousands of us have campaigned, volunteered, and advocated for you all throughout the campaign for the presidency. Online, at your campaign headquarters nationwide, and anyway we felt it necessary to get out the vote.

But yet, after all of this work and anticipation for a better lot for us, we are being overlooked once again. And this Rescue Plan does cater to us either!

I am worried, insulted, and apprenhensive for our collective future, as this crisis gets worse.  

Currently many South Americans, Mexicans, and others, have been repatriated to their homelands, via Immigration sweeps at some job sites. Some are thrown out of homes or apartments they are renting with family and freinds, because they can no longer afford to pay the rent. 

So what about us Mr.President!

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.
P.R.U.C.O.L. Resident. 



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