February 17-2008:
There is now a situation in the USA where the Local Police in collaboration with the INS, is tracking down Spanish speaking people on the street, at certain places of employment, and at stop lights.
If you are Hispanic, and is ILLEGAL in this country, please take note of this situation.
If you are a LEGAL resident here, then arm yourselves with the following, at all times:
* A valid photo or driver's license, Medicaid Card, place of residence ID, and a Telephone bill if possible.
These things will help to positively identify you to any police sting operation.
If you are here illegally, and have an Attorney or Legal representative that is looking after your residence status matters. Walk with his or her telephone or Office number, and a letter stating that you have a Legal Advocate.
If you do not have any of the above. Then be extremely careful where you go, work, play, and to whom you confide.
Iraqi Translators Are Unable To Get Asylum After Helping US Forces In Iraq:
There are hundreds of translators who have helped the American forces in Iraq WILLINGLY. And who today are facing death by fellow Iraqis, because of their (perceived) betrayal. Some sought asylum status from the US, and most have not been granted any!
What are these people to do now? After risking their lives for Americans, in support of American interests in Iraq, American success in Iraq, and American hope to win Hearts and Minds in Iraq?
This is a serious humanitarian crisis now for these people without a home! And MUST be addressed by the candidates for the presidency, and by him or her whomever gets elected in 2009.
Social Security Funding MUST Be Increased Annually!
In order tor the US Social Security to stay viable and to cater for baby boomers and beyond. The following MUST be done NOW:
* The federal government MUST allocate a few million dollars to that fund, ANNUALY:
* And all presidential candidates must address this issue, and pledge to do so, or increase this much needed additional funding, whomever get elected to the White House in 2009.
Does The US President Have Any Influence On The National Economy?
The USA is a FREE MARKET economy. And that implies that the private businesses and corporations determine who gets rich or richer. And how the wealth is distributed throughout this economy.
The presidency may have some political influence, depending upon which corporation or corporate block, have the most sway in the free market.
But by and large, the consumer masses, by virtue of the demand and supply curve in the economy, will influence how this economy will operate nationally and globally.
The Strategy For Democrats In This Campaign!
For those of you who are watching the candidates as they campaign this year. May have observed how differently they sell themselves to the various states on the issues. But keep in mind this. No candidate could EVER get into the DETAILS fully in any campaign speech, like the media tries to highlight.
That would be time consuming, boring, and impractical. So each candidate tailors his or her message to the economic concerns of that particular state, he or she is campaigning in.
That is a more realistic approach. And it seems to work for Sen. Barack Obama right now!
However, if or when Barack Obama gets the nomination, then you will see how more detailed he would be, because he would then be campaigning for the National electorate's vote.
February 16-2008:
A Bomb That Saves Lives:
This so called 'Life Saving Bomb,' that the US military has now developed, will hit the desired target or targets with surgical precision. These bombs are much smaller in mass, thus creating less collateral and human damage if it misses.
Bull Shit:
All bombs are created to KILL people or DESTROY buildings, bunkers, military infrastructure, etc.
And when a precision guided bomb misses it's target, people die, buildings are destroyed, and extreme damage to land, terrain, or infrastructure is possible.
So telling people that this smaller and more precise bomb will be better equipped to hit the target, is TOTALLY irresponsible, and incorrect.
All bombs kill and maim people PERIOD!
The proverbial truth about the flu vaccine is basically untrue, for the allowing reasons:
* None of the known flu vaccines that your doctor recommends could guarantee immunity from the flu.
* People have contracted the flu after taking the flu vaccine already:
* At every changing season, the flu virus is able to re-invent itself, to defy the known and prescribed medications that we are told to use for it.
Thus making all known medication currently IMPOTENT, at protecting anyone from the flu.
And these are the HARD FACTS about the FLU.
Labels: Immigration Round Up