AMNESTY Defined & Explained:

January 06-2008:
Dictionary Definition:
A period during which offenders are exempt from punishment:
A warrant granting release from punishment for an offence:
The formal act of liberating someone:
Grant a pardon to (a group of people):
According to Rudolph Juliani. When a fine or some other punishment is meted out against some person/persons for illegal entry into another country, that is not amnesty!
According to Rudolph Juliani. When a fine or some other punishment is meted out against some person/persons for illegal entry into another country, that is not amnesty!
Therefore, I believe if anyone is allowed to enter and remain, or take up residence in any country (other than the one he or she wants to be rescued from). And could supply written, oral, or implied PROOF or EVIDENCE to the courts of the asylum country, requesting amnesty.
And the Court allows that or those persons to enter and remain permanently in that country.
That would be LEGAL Amnesty.