Failure To Integrate-Breeds Prejudice-Hate & Suspicion!

January 22-2007:
Failure To Integrate-Breeds Prejudice-Hate & Suspicion:
In every culture where there are several different ethnic groups, that choose to live in separate communities, or neighborhoods, the festering of suspicion, distrust, and hate takes root. Coupled with those attitudes, is the refusal to learn the national or predominant language, and communicate in that language on a daily basis, in order to become proficient in it. Also creates the inability to understand how the mainstream society view outsiders, or those who fail to fully integrate into the mainstream culture.
When ethnic groups are separated into communities deliberately, by virtue of their language, or cultural heritage, tension becomes inevitable, and in time, ethnic hate, or ethnic suspicion takes root within these different groups.
Plural communities such as New York City, that historically was able to tolerate, integrate, and encourage the learning of English as the national preferred mode of communication, for economic and upward mobility. Plus social cohesion is encouraged, so that such ethnic tensions are kept to a minimum.
Political, Social, and Religious leaders must also deliberately encourage their flock or communities to access those services, and facilities that will help them to be fully integrated into the mainstream of things. In communities where the above modules are not used or promoted, ethnic tensions eventually emerge. And violent gangs are created. The victimized personality attitude becomes the criteria used by those who feel incompetent, ignored, dis-enfranchised, dis-regarded, or less than those they perceive as privileged.
Inner Cities of Chicago, and California are cases in point!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.