The USA Products Boycott Proposals & The National Anthem Dilema:

April 28-2006:
The Spanish American/Mexican Immigration Boycott Proposals:
On Monday-05-2006 a boycott and demonstration is planned by authorities in Mexico, against American products there and in the USA. The organizers are based in Mexico, and they are being supported by several Trade Unions, Church groups, and affiliated bodies or worker's organizations.
They are expecting illegal Mexicans and un-documented Mexicans here in the USA to come out in force in support of this effort. The issue according to the Radio, is to send a signal to the George W. Bush Administration in Washington, that they are against the bill which intends to criminalize illegal immigrants in this country.
These people are contending that to be un-documented, or illegal, with no history of any felony, or of breaking any laws while here in the USA illegally, does not warrant a criminal status or category.
And that aspect of the current legislation in process, must be amended or revamped immediately.
Personally, I cannot see the rationale for boycotting American products, when those same products are produced or manufactured by and large, by those who employ illegal aliens. And these same illegal aliens need the cash/wages to assist their families here, and in their homeland Mexico, to survive near starvation.
I sincerely hope that the planners/organizers of this demonstration really re-consider the gravity or impact it will have on the legalization process, for the same people they are advocating for!
A Spanish Version Of The Stars Spangled Banner:
A new Latin version of the USA's National Anthem was introduced today, targeting the Latin community. The intent was to help those who cannot speak English, to still be able to sing the US National Anthem.
Personally, I believe that The National Anthem of any country, must be sung in the pre-dominant language of that country or culture. That is the reason why it is a National Anthem.
To do otherwise, or to compensate a sub-cultural group in that country, by allowing homage to be paid or sung in the language of that sub-cultural group, would de-emphasize the importance and true meaning of that anthem.
Therefore, I agree with President George W. Bush (this time), for disagreeing with such an idea.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger;
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