Categories Of Illegal Immigrants Explained:

Categories Of Illegal Immigrants
1. Legal entrance, but remained here in the USA when the VISA (or permit) expired, thus becoming an illegal resident:
2. Entered The USA without an official Passport or a Visa:
3. Legal sponsorship, and disappearing afterwards from sponsor's supervision or knowledge:
4. Entered the USA via forged documents:
5. Seeking asylum and risking deportation:
6. Seeking asylum and automatically given it, after reaching the USA shores safely, eg (The Cubans):
7. Crossing the Mexican/American borders illegally, to seek employment:
8. Trafficking of male and female prostitutes from Eastern Europe, or (the former Soviet Union Satellite countries):
Each of these known categories need some explaining. And I shall try to do so,with the best of my knowledge and ability.
Categories Explained:
When a person legally enters the UA, that person/s would have satisfied the immigration authorities with the necessary requirements, such as a heath check, a visa, a passport, a tax clearance from their home country, and a financial report that validates his/her ability to sustain his/herself while in residence here.
Category #2.
When a person enters the USA without the above official requirements, he or she is violating the immigration requirements, and would be categorized as an illegal alien/immigrant.
Category #3.
a. When some foreigner is sponsored by some employer or American national, he or she is the sole responsibility of that sponsor. Current laws vary regarding the types of sponsorships. But importantly, the sponsor must show valid legal reasons why he or she is sponsoring that foreign born person.
b. And what he or she is expected to do for them, while here in the USA.
c. And if he or she has the necessary financial ability to support or finance that person's welfare while in The USA.
d. And is also legally responsible for any felonious misdeeds that this person may have committed. while here in the USA.
Category #4.
a. When a person/s enters the USA with forged documents, and manages to escape detection by the immigration authorities. Then that person/s is an illegal immigrant/alien, and could be apprehended and deported.
Categories #5 & 6.
a. When a person enters the USA legally or illegally seeking asylum, is doing so in good faith, and is also risking deportation.
b. That person will have to get legal representation by a Lawyer/Attorney or Advocate, and show valid or substantive documentation to support his or her claim for asylum.
c. The only people who are granted almost immediate asylum, if they manage to reach America's shores, are the Cubans. And that arrangement has legal approval.
Category #7.
When persons cross the Mexican/American border illegally, they could be apprehended and taken back to Mexico, or even arrested and deported. This situation is currently hotly debated, because most or all of these illegal entrants, are seeking seasonal employment, in and around the territories in that geographic region.
Category #8.
Trafficking of men, boys, or women from Eastern Europe, or (the former Soviet Union satellite countries), into the USA for prostitution work, is illegal, and punishable under current USA laws pertaining to that situation.
This phenomenon is also being done by the Chinese underground railroad, that deals with illegals whom they promise a better way of life, with financial gain for self and family here in the USA.
And whom are at the mercy, and personal risk of death, if they fail to repay the travel expenses to their facilitators, when they get to the American shores, and discovers that all that was promised was a fallacy.
A Comprehensive Immigration Law/Bill is needed in the USA:
What this country need, is A Comprehensive Immigration Bill that guarantees the following:
1. Acceptance of any foreigner, who is not a security/national threat to the country, and has satisfied the Legal Immigration entry requirements.
2. Grant residence status to those who have satisfied the above requirements: Displayed respect for our national constitution & local laws: And have not committed any felonious act/s while in residence here.
3. Grant Legal Residence Status to those who have overstayed their visas, and are unable to return to their homeland, for fear of reprisals, retribution, and/or financial inability to re-enter the USA.
4. Seeking asylum for political, religious, or racial/ethnic reasons, should be considered eligible for legal residence status.
5. Any person/s who have tested HIV positive while living in the USA: Have entered the country legally: Have been residing here for over one year prior to being tested HIV positive, should be granted legal residence status, on humanitarian grounds.
6. Ensuring that our national borders are adequately policed: Persons entering or leaving our sovereign territories, must provide the necessary legal papers or identity.
7. All immigrants, legal or illegal must be allowed to access medical/emergency assistance from any hospital or clinic in The USA, without being asked for his/her legal residence status documents.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
The current immigration discussions within the US House Of Representatives & Senate, has far reaching consequences to those who represent the regions/constituencies, that have large volumes of illegal Spanish Speaking residents.
This debate or concern is only seen as important in communities with such large volumes of this ethnic group/s, that residents in those communities feel insecure, threatened economically, and plays into the hands and stereotypes, that the general culture portrays about these people.
Such as criminal elements, undercutting jobs, providing services for less than minimum wage, and does not pay taxes.
Most of these fears however, are unfounded because most illegals pay the prescribed taxes via their wages. Even though most of their employers do not submit these taxes to the Feds or State governments as they are legally supposed to do. This may be because most of these employees are illegals without official SS identity numbers, or has forged documentation.
Also, some employees are working 'under the books,' which means, that taxed contributions are not shown in the employers payroll. Hence, does not require them to submit any taxes to the Feds or State authorities.
Finally, this debate overshadows the Immigration Dilemma that the USA has allowed to fester for decades, because it helped Big & Small businesses alike, to manipulate and exploit illegal workers, with poor wages, terrible working conditions, no health care, and the ability to hire and fire them at random, without valid or substantive reason/s.
Does The Erection Of Walls Really Work:
Ever since the dawn of organized warfare and tribal protection, humans have erected walls to protect themselves from hostile invaders. But history has also shown us, that in time, those walls were breached by the same invaders, they were built to keep out.
Currently, the Border fence that is being constructed in Israel is supposed to protect Israel from 'suicide bombers' getting in to kill Israeli's.
But that has not stopped the suicide bombers from getting in from time to time. And rocket launched missiles cannot be prevented from reaching their targets either. Because these rockets could ascend any wall.
In fact rockets could overshoot any wall.
As for the border fence between Mexico and the US regions. This fence is also perceived to be a deterrent for invading Mexicans, from illegally entering the US. This fence too will in time prove to be in-effective from stopping any incursion into US territory.
The problem in Mexico is increasing un-employment within the rural communities. Very little economic development that will assist the poor and under-privileged, to acquire gainful employment.
And if this situation continues, the native Mexicans will try every conceivable thing, to gain entry into this country, in order to find work to support their starving and destitute families.
I Report-You Decide!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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